Line breaks in markdown GitHub full information with photos, videos, documents and files. The package's class parses and renders the contents of a markdown file onto a pygame surface. The class instantiation takes one parameter: the path to the local markdown file. From pygamemarkdown import MarkdownRenderer md = MarkdownRenderer # create instance md. Setmarkdown (mdfilepath) # set the markdown file to be rendered 2.
Markdown2pdf is a command-line tool to convert markdown file into pdf,was originally designed for myself to create resume.
To install Markdown2PDF you may need to install PDF convertion tool first,
Install Markdown2PDF by pip:
You can use Markdown2PDF via simple command md2pdf
You can also appoint a theme by argument --theme
Or, you can even using your self defined theme:
By now, Markdown2PDF contains multi builtin themes: Securecrt for mac os x.
- github (from GitHub.Inc)
- solarized-dark (from mixu/markdown-styles)
- ghostwriter (from mixu/markdown-styles)
Pypi Markdown Readme
Trouble shooting
ffi.h no such file or directory
OSError: library not found: ''
Python Markdown File
This means you need to get some requirements installed first, see this page:[WeasyPrint fails with error on OSX](